AE Engine
News | About | Features | The Team | Screenshots | Documentation | Download | Forums | Mailing lists
CVS Tree ( commits, adds)

-- Nightly docs --
User Manual
Public API Reference
Developer Manual
Developer API Reference

Mailing lists

There are three mailing lists for AE: One for users (aeengine-main), one for important project announcements (aeengine-announce) and one for developers (aeengine-devel).

If you are a user of AE, you should atleast subscribe to the aeengine-main list. Respectively, if you are a developer you should subscribe to the aeengine-devel list (and you probably already did that). If you only want to receive notifications on major AE updates (like new releases), subscribe to the aeengine-announce list. It's moderated and very low-traffic.

You can find a list of all the AE Engine mailing lists along with subscribe/unsubscribe links and archives here.